Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fellowship Sermon Outline

  This is a sermon outline I used to preach about fellowship this past Sunday.  Not that I think it's great but I am a big fan of sharing information for everyone to use.  If you can use it great, it not great, but if you do use it just DON'T give me credit let your people believe you wrote it lol!

If you want to hear the audio version go to http://web.me.com/jondrms/Creeds_Student_Ministry/Home.html and then on podcast link.

   Fellowship is a subject that we give lip service to but often times give little thought to.  This may be because we may be a little vague on what Fellowship actually is.

·      Some ideas of what we consider fellowship
·      Our working definition of fellowship=accountability and encouragement. (Hebrews 10:24-26)

1) The Importance of Fellowship
·      It is important because the Christian was never meant to live this life on their own (water drop illustration?)
o   This world is Satan’s and we will not survive physically or spiritually with out each other (Proverbs 27:17; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; Hebrews 3:13)

2) The Difficulty of Fellowship
·      We are in fellowship with each other not matter it we realize it or like it or not. (SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF TRAITS THAT MAKE IT HARD)
o   It takes commitment-Hebrews 10:24-25 (This is not just about Sunday morning service)
o   Often times the time we need fellowship the most is the time we want it the least.- Romans 12:15 (It’s hard to mourn together, it’s against human nature)
o   Something happened in the history of the Church and we taught ourselves that when you have a problem the last place you bring it is the Church.  As a result we have families that are struggling with their children, marriages that are falling apart, addictions that grow quicker and more powerful, and apathy that lulls us into thinking everything is ok, all because we forget what true fellowship is.

3) The Result of Fellowship
·      When a Church is in true fellowship there are some natural results of it.
o   We become a spiritually stronger and more mature family. (“Jesus hung with sinners” excuse) He also had 12 guys he spent a great majority of his time with.
o   We are prompted to action = service to the community (full circle to John’s sermon)


Fellowship with each other is impossible without fellowship with Christ 1 John 1:1-3
·      He is the common bond that keeps us together
·      Imagine if we as a Church became intentional about taking time to truly fellowship with each other.

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Virginia Beach, VA, United States
I am a happily married 25 year old mess that God some how uses to do ministry. That about sums it up.
