Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Decade in Review A.K.A. Leaving Egypt out of It.

 When I sit back to remember I usually do it in one of two ways.

1)  I focus on why I am glad to be where I am at this very moment

2) I begin to remember how it used to be and find myself longing to be back there.

  I realize this is not exclusive to myself.  As I read the scriptures I begin to see that it was a pretty typical practice of God's children to reminisce about "the good old days."  A certain story about a group of people coming out of Egypt always seems to come to mind.  As I write my final blog post for 2009 and wrap up a decade of significant changes this is where I have landed.

  Like all blessings that God has given us the art of remembrance can be warped by Satan.  

  There are many instances in the Bible when God commands his children to remember events in the past and focus on how God has either delivered them or blessed them through those events.  I believe that God is please when his Children practice the art of remembrance today.  So as the decade wraps up, take a moment to focus on what God has delivered you from, or blessed you through, and for just a few moments leave Egypt out of it.

Happy New Year see ya in 2010!

P.S. Leave a comment and let me know what you favorite event of the past decade has been. Mine is a tie between balloon boy and Stephanie Meyers making Vampires fun again.


  1. "Leave Egypt Out Of It"

    Excellent sermon title. You should work on that for the next time you preach.

    Mind if I steal it?

  2. Sure don't even need to give me credit ;)


About Me

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Virginia Beach, VA, United States
I am a happily married 25 year old mess that God some how uses to do ministry. That about sums it up.
