Dear Church Family,
It is hard to put into words what a group of people such as yourselves means to us. In the four + years that we have known you, we can honestly say that we have never met a more generous and grace filled congregation. There is much we could say to express that, but for now we will simply say that we love you all very much. That is why today is a bitter sweet day for us.
On September 17th Jonathan was officially offered a job at Mid Atlantic Christian University as a school recruiter and he has accepted the offer. Effective October 11th 2010 he will no longer hold the position of Associate Minister here at Creeds. This was not a decision that was entered into lightly, but after much prayer and deliberation we believe that God has opened a door for us at MACU that we need to walk through.
I know that there will be a lot of question as to why we have decided to do this and that is fine, but let us be very clear. We are not leaving Creeds because we are unhappy or because of any ill will towards anyone. We are sad to go but we feel that as a couple we have taken the youth program here as far as we can take it. We have learned much and have treasured every moment here. We truly do feel like family, and we always will. The leadership was aware of this decision before this announcement this morning. They are in support of it and they send us off with their blessing, we hope that each of you will be able to do the same. Our prayer is that our last remaining weeks here can be spent in joy as we look fondly on what was, and as we look with excitement to what will be. We ask that you please join us in praying for our future in Elizabeth City Nc, and for the future Associate Minister here at Creeds. We love you all more than you know.
God Bless,
Jonathan, Aimee and Jude